Objective Status Conditional
The ObjectiveStatusConditional
conditional checks an objective by its GUID and checks the status of it against the conditional check. It suceeds when the objective status and the conditional status check match.
Property | Required | Default | Details |
Type | true | ObjectiveStatusConditional | - |
Guid | true | - | A UUIDv4 of the objective you wish to check against |
Status | true | - | The Objective status you want the conditional to pass on a successful check. Statuses are: InProgress , Complete , Success , Failed , NotInProgress |
"Conditionals": [{"Type": "ObjectiveStatusConditional","Guid": "786166e2-22ea-45c1-9786-68df31958bd8", // Guid of an Objective node elsewhere in your common.jsonc"Status": "Success"}]