
To set up a custom contract type you need to do the following:

Create a contract type enum entry


  • Edit and add a contract type entry to MissionControl/overrides/enums/ContractType.json
  • In your mod, merge a contract type as a DataAddendumEntries for ContractTypeEnumeration

Add an entry like the following example, but changing what you require:

"ID" : 10000, // ID must be unique and not clash with another contract type. Used in the below encounter layer.
"Name" : "SoloDuel", // Name must be unique and is used as an identifier in contract overrides JSON
"FriendlyName" : "Solo Duel", // Doesn't need to be unique. Allows contract type stacking. Name used in the game UI
"Version" : 0, // Has no real purpose except for a loose version control
"IsSinglePlayerProcedural" : true, // Is true, use for the typical contracts that pop up. false for story/restoration
"IsStory" : false, // Used for story missions
"IsRestoration" : false, // Used for restoration missions (which are the same as story really)
"CustomMusic" : null, // string value from `AudioState_Music_State` enum
"IsMultiplayer" : false, // Not important for custom contracts.
"UsesFury" : false, // Is meant to use fury instead of morale. Untested.
"UsesSecondScaledStructureValues" : false, // Unsure of this
"ContractRewardMultiplier" : 1, // Multipler for contract reward (of course!)
"Illustration" : "uixTxrSpot_battleContract", // Large image in the UI for the contract type
"Icon" : "uixSvgIcon_contract_Battle", // Icon used for the contract type
"IsPublished" : true // This must be true, otherwise the contract type won't be available to use

NOTE: Mission Control will continue to add contract types under the 10000 to 11000 range. You MUST select a different range to Mission Control, and other modders, when selecting a range of IDs to create.

Create an encounter layer

Either use Mission Control's system, or create your own to add an encounter layer entry into the MDD. This is not covered by ModTek versions earlier than v2.0.

If using Mission Control's system:

  • Create a folder with your contract type name under MissionControl/overrides/encounterLayers. For example, if your contract type is called Invasion then call it invasion.

If using ModTek v2.0+,

  • In your mod's mod.json, add a new Manifest entry called EncounterLayer that has a Path to your folder that contains your encounter layers. e.g.
"Manifest": [
{ "Type": "EncounterLayer", "Path": "overrides/encounterLayers" }

For both approaches:

  • For the map you wish your contract type to be playable on, you must create a json file here.
  • Name the file encounterLayer_{contractTypeName}.{mapName}.json, for example encounterLayer_soloDuel.mapStory_StoryEncounter3_mMoon_craters
  • Any IDs that looks like 73b9ebfe-b62b-4ffb-87b9-a0191d2530b3 are uuid v4. You can generate these easily by visiting

Inside the file add the following, but changing what you require:

"EncounterLayerID": "mapArena_deathValley_aDes.73b9ebfe-b62b-4ffb-87b9-a0191d2530b3", // Unique ID as {mapName}.{UUIDv4}
"MapID": "mapArena_deathValley_aDes", // Map ID as referenced in the `Maps` table in the MDD
"Name": "encMC_SoloDuel_OpenArea", // Custom name unique to your encounter. encGeneral is used for vanilla. encMC for MC.
"FriendlyName": "Solo Duel - Open Area", // Displayed only in BT's debug contract selector
"Description": "Player must kill the duel target.", // Only used here
"BattleValue": "0", // Always '0', even for vanilla
"ContractTypeID": "10000", // Cross referenced ID with your above contract type enum
"EncounterLayerGUID": "73b9ebfe-b62b-4ffb-87b9-a0191d2530b3", // Unique UUIDv4. Must be the same as the other UUIDs in this file
"TagSetID": "mapArena_deathValley_aDes.73b9ebfe-b62b-4ffb-87b9-a0191d2530b3", // Same ID as 'EncounterLayerID' above
"IncludeInBuild": "1" // Must be '1' otherwise the contract type won't be available to use

Create a contract type build

The contract type build file creates the actual encounter in the select map. Mission Control loads a map and dynamically builds the entire contract type up from nothing.

I highly recommend before creating a contract type build file you look through the Mission Control SoloDuel contract type as an very simple example.

A contract type build for a contract type consists of two elements:

  • A common.jsonc file which outlays all the general elements and logic for the contract type
  • For every map the contract type is set up to run on a .jsonc for map specific settings (most often positions and rotations), for example deathvalley_desert_open_area.jsonc (the name can be anything you want but it's a good idea to include the map name, biome and any other specifier)

An important aspect of the common.jsonc is that it has a Key property which is the contract type Name from the above contract type enum created.

An important aspect of the map specific files is that it contains an EncounterLayerId which is the EncounterLayerId from the above created encounter layer. The format of overrides is the Json.NET query/select system.

Tutorials and guides will be made soon to cover this in more detail.

(Optional) Add an Encounter Ruleset for your contract type

This step is optional, however, with some special conditions.

If you don't want to use Random Spawns & Additional Lances

If you're not using random spawns or additional lances then you won't need to create this.

If you want to use Random Spawns & Additional Lances, but don't want to create an Encounter Ruleset

If you do not want to create an Encounter Ruleset and still want Random Spawns or Additional Lances to work you must following the following convention:

  • Name your Player spawner Spawner_PlayerLance
  • Name your main opposing force spawner Lance_Enemy_OpposingForce

If you're willing to create an Encounter Ruleset for more control

As described in the encounter rulesets section, you can submit an EncounterRuleset to Mission Control to better control the features of Mission Control with your contract type.

These features can be things like:

  • Specifying where you want the Additional Lances to spawn around
  • Specifying how any of the lance spawners in the contract type will randomise their spawn, for example
    • Using a SpawnLanceAtEdgeBoundary to spawn the player lance on the boundary of the map
    • Using a SpawnLanceAnywhere to ensure an enemy reinforcement lance is spawned randomly anywhere, but at least within 10 hexs of the player lance
    • Using a LookAtTarget to ensure a lance is looking at a target
  • Any other custom logic you wish to run using any custom rules you want

To implement this, follow the guide in the encounter rulesets section.