Extended Boundaries

Increase the size of the encounter to the maximum available map size. This can sometimes be as much as around four times the size!

Extended boundaries can increase the size of the contract type / encounter boundary (playable area in the map). In vanilla BT, contract types never use up to the maximum playable space (2k by 2k map size). With this feature, you can expand the boundary to either the maximum size (set as 1 for the IncreaseBoundarySizeByPercentage value), or increase the boundary by a percentage of that current boundary size.

MapId and ContractTypeName can be used together, or on their own. A more specific setting will override a less specific setting, and MapId is considered more specific than ContractTypeName. The priority processing order is as follows:

MapId and ContractTypeName set --overrides--> MapId set and no ContractTypeName set --overrides--> ContractTypeName set and no MapId set.

Settings Breakdown

"ExtendedBoundaries": {
"Enable": true,
"EnableForFlashpoints": true,
"EnableForStory": false,
"IncludeContractTypes": [],
"ExcludeContractTypes": [],
"IncreaseBoundarySizeByPercentage": 0.3,
"Overrides": [
"MapId": "mapGeneral_fallenHills_uDeso",
"ContractTypeName": "SimpleBattle",
"IncreaseBoundarySizeByPercentage": 0.4
"MapId": "mapGeneral_fallenHills_uDeso",
"IncreaseBoundarySizeByPercentage": 0.6
"ContractTypeName": "SimpleBattle",
"IncreaseBoundarySizeByPercentage": 0.3
EnableOptionaltruetrue or falseShould this feature be enabled or not?
EnableForFlashpointsOptionaltruetrue or falseEnable feature for Flashpoints if EnableFlashpointOverrides is true
EnableForStoryOptionalfalsetrue or falseEnable feature for Story if EnableStoryOverrides is true
IncludeContractTypesOptionalAll contract types["Rescue", "DestroyBase"] would limit bounday changes to these two contract types

[] would fallback to default
When set, it overrides ExcludeContractTypes for this level
ExcludeContractTypesOptionalNo contract types["Assasinate", "CaptureBase"] would remove these two contract types from the entire list of available contract types.

[] would fallback to default
Allows you to explicitly exclude boundary changes for all teams for the specified contract types. Not used if IncludeContractTypes is set
IncreaseBoundarySizeByPercentageOptional0.20.1 10%, 1 max sizePercentage of the current boundary to increase the boundary by
OverridesOptionalN/AN/AAllows for finer grained control of the size increase


MapIdOptionalN/AMap Id to use with contract type combination
ContractTypeNameOptionalN/AContract Type Name to use with Map Id
IncreaseBoundarySizeByPercentageOptionalN/AOverride for the percentage